How to explore Fluent™ single cell data

<strong>How to explore Fluent™ single cell data</strong>

How to explore Fluent™ single cell data

October 17, 2024
10:00 a.m. PDT (San Francisco) / 1:00 p.m. EDT (Boston)
Your local time

Join us to explore Fluent Single cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-Seq) data. Gain insights into the gene expression of individual cells and between sample conditions using an intuitive, powerful, and interactive single-cell analysis workflow that can accelerate your research. This presentation will introduce the basic steps in tertiary scRNA-Seq analyses, highlighting how different cell populations can react to external factors.

Key Points:

  • Understand the basics in tertiary single cell analyses
  • Identify and compare similar groups of cells
  • Use different ways to visualize differences and infer biological processes


Aaron May Alex Rutkovsky, MS, PhD
Aaron May-Zhang, PhD Alex Rutkovsky, MS, PhD
Sr Bioinformatics Scientist, Illumina Sr Bioinformatics Scientist, Illumina


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Kathi GoscheHow to explore Fluent™ single cell data